CPSC 111 Elementary Computer Programming C

Description: Introduction to computer programming in C and its use in solving problems. Intended primarily for technical majors. Basic instruction in programming techniques is combined with tools use and discussions of ethical issues arising from the impact of computing on society.
Prerequisites: None.
Required texts: Kochan, Stephen W., Programming in C, 4th ed., Pearson Education, 2015.
Recommended texts: Kernighan, Brian W. and Ritchie, Dennis M., The C Programming Language, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.
Supplemental notes: Additional material will be placed on Canvas.
Professor: Dr. Andrew Duchowski
Office: McAdams 309, 656-7677, duchowski@clemson.edu
Office hours: Mon, Wed 13:00-14:00 and by appointment.
Objectives: To learn to write and understand a short C program.
Laboratory content: This is a lab course.
Tests (3)40%
Programming Assignments (5)25%
Final Exam25%
Assignments: Unless otherwise specified, these are individual assignments, and must be strictly your own work and are not to be shown to anyone else.
Attendance: Roll will be taken for the first one or two weeks while the class roll fluctuates. However, attendance is not required. Absence, excused or not, does not change the responsibility for assigned work. An unexcused absence from a test will normally result in a grade of zero for that test (i.e., there will normally be no makeup tests). Students are expected to give at least one week advance notice for excused absences.
Academic dishonesty: The University policies on academic dishonesty apply. Publicly-available code or other material may be freely used if appropriately attributed. Each student is responsible for protecting his or her files from access by others. Work that is essentially the same and submitted without proper attribution is considered to be a violation of academic dishonesty policy by all those submitting the work, regardless of who actually did the work.
Class cancelation: Students are expected to wait for 15 minutes after the class beginning time before leaving if the instructor is late.
Assignment late policy: Late assignments will be accepted but points will be deducted according to the formula (3n)3 where n is the number of days late. Example: assuming assignments are due on Wednesday, the point deduction is as follows:
Max points possible Day received Days late
100Wed.0 (due date)
73Thu.1 day late
0Fri.2 days late

Late assignments will receive lowest priority for grading and returning.

Topical outline: A standard intro to C programming course. Computers, compilation, execution; input/ouput; control structures: loops, conditionals, logical operators; functions; arrays; pointers and strings; files.
  • Part 1 Variables and data-types
  • Part 2 Decisions and repetition
  • Part 3 Arrays and functions
  • Part 4 Strings and pointers
  • Part 5 Odds and ends