- Syllabus
- Schedule
- Assignments
Phase I: Tangent Plane Estimation
- Phase Ia: 2d point class:
provide 2d point class implementation
- Phase Ib: matrix class:
provide matrix class implementation
- Phase Ic: kdtree class:
provide kdtree class implementation
- Phase Id: 3D classes:
provide 3d class implementations for
point, kdtree, matrix
Phase II: Consistent Tangent Plane Orientation
- Phase IIa: binheap class:
provide binheap class implementation
- Phase IIb: graph class & Prim's algorithm:
provide graph class implementation with
Prim's MST
Phase III: Signed Distance Function
Phase IV: Contour Tracing
- Labs
- Lab 01—binary search trees I
- Lab 02—binary search trees II
- Lab 03—templates & matrices
- Lab 04—sorting
- Lab 05—algorithm analysis
- Lab 06—algorithm analysis
- Lab 07—linked list iterator
- Lab 08—binary heap
- Lab 09—shortest path (Dijkstra)
- Lab 10—depth-first search
- Lab 11—disjoint sets (maze)
- Lab 12—edge detection
- Acknowledgment
- The objective of the Texnh project is to develop a new
and revitalized approach to undergraduate education
in computing. The approach is based upon the use of
problem-based learning with semester-long problems
taken from the domain of computer generated visual media.
Materials herein include course materials, publications,
and student images resulting from the project.
The Texnh project was originally funded by the National
Science Foundation under grant TEXNH: A New Approach to
the B.A. Degree in Computer Science, award number 0305318.
It is presently supported by the National Science Foundation
under grant CPATH EAE: TEXNH - Evaluation, Adoption and
Extension, award number 0722313. The investigators
gratefully acknowledge this support without which the
project not have been possible.