CPSC 212
(Data Structures and Algorithms)

Assignment 4

To find eigenvalues/eigenvectors of the 3D point cloud data.

Due date:

What to hand in:
Code "tarball" (e.g., asg2.tar.gz) including:
  1. README file containing assignment and solution descriptions, e.g., program design, description of algorithm, etc., if appropriate.
  2. INSTALL file containing any specific compliation quirks peculiar to your program, e.g.,
    Compilation: make -f Makefile.pca.
  3. USAGE file containing any specific usage quirks peculiar to your program, e.g.,
    Usage: ./pca < conics.15887.pts where ./pca is the executable and conics.15887.pts is the input.
  4. src/ directory with source code.

  1. Provide a Makefile.pca that compiles the matrix library and pca executable.
  2. Use your matrix class (generic m x n) to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 3D point data contained in the conics.15887.pts input file.
  3. Your class must be able to find the eigenvalues and eigenvalues of a 3 x 3 matrix, as suggested in the pca.cpp driver.

    Note that you have to fill in some code here!

  4. Sample output can be found here: pca.out.