CPSC 212
(Data Structures and Algorithms)

Assignment 6

To implement the binary heap.

Due date:

What to hand in:
Code "tarball" (e.g., asg6.tar.gz) including:
  1. README file containing assignment and solution descriptions, e.g., program design, description of algorithm, etc., if appropriate.
  2. INSTALL file containing any specific compliation quirks peculiar to your program, e.g.,
    Compilation: make -f Makefile.paehnib.
  3. USAGE file containing any specific usage quirks peculiar to your program, e.g.,
    Usage: ./paehnib
  4. src/ directory with source code.

  1. Provide a Makefile.paehnib that compiles the binheap clas and paehnib executable.
  2. Write a templated binheap<typename T> class to maintain a heap of arbitrary data types.
  3. You can use ilisheap.h and ilisheap.cpp as an example from which to start with.
  4. You can use Makefile.paehsili and paehsili.cpp as the example driver.
  5. Sample output can be found here: paehsili.out and paehnibi.out. Note the difference.