Lab 6: Algorithm Analysis
Lab Structure
- Pick a partner.
- Help each other with the code as needed. Do not type for your partner
and avoid dictation, but
make sure your partner is able to finish the assignment.
- Make sure that your partner understands the mergesort enough to
take a test over it.
- Put your partner's name with yours in the header of the
sort.c file.
- If your partner is unable to complete the lab, your maximum grade is a 90%.
Runtime Complexity of Sorts
Analysis of Insertion Sort pp. 264-266
- The insertion sort has nested for loops, each of which can take N iterations:
- If the list is already sorted, the inner for loop condition will fail everytime. Therefore,
if the list is sorted, the algorithm requires only N iterations.
- The number of times the inner loop executes is based on the number of inversions in
the list: an inversion is any two elements where the first element is larger than the second.
- The runtime of the insertion sort is O(I+N), where I is the number of inversions.
- A reverse sorted list has up to O(N2) inversions.
- The insertion sort is O(N2).
Analysis of the Mergesort pp. 276-279
- The time to mergesort 1 element is 1: Time (1) = 1
- Time (N) = 2 Time (N/2) + N
- (Time (N))/N = (Time(N/2))/(N/2) + 1
- (Time (N/2))/(N/2) = (Time(N/4))/(N/4) + 1
- (Time (N/4))/(N/4) = (Time(N/8))/(N/8) + 1 . . .
- (Time (2))/(2) = (Time(1))/(1) + 1
- Now if we add up the equations, we get (Time(N))/N = (Time(1))/1 + log N.
- Therefore the runtime is O(N log N).
Analysis of the Quicksort pp. 287-290
The analysis is too long to cover in lab. However, here is the summary:
- In the worst case (the pivot is always the smallest or largest), the runtime
is O(N2).
- In the best case (the pivot is always the middle value), the runtime is O(N log N).
- In the average case, the algorithm is O (N log N)
Analysis of the Bubblesort
- Analyze the bubblesort.
- In a file called
analyze.txt , give the runtime complexity of the bubblesort
and why you believe it is the right complexity.
Testing the Runtime
- Copy everything from
/users/smatzko/212/public/ to your folder.
- Write the four (4) sorting algorithms. You should have the code for insertion sort,
quicksort, and mergesort. You need to type in bubblesort. Use the code below as needed.
- Run the provided main to test your sorting algorithms.
- Use
gnuplot to graph the resulting data:
- Type
- Type
plot "bubble.dat" with linespoints
- The points are hard to follow. Let's smooth it:
Type plot "bubble.dat" smooth unique
- Now lets plot all of them with a smoothed result:
Type plot "bubble.dat" smooth unique, \
"insert.dat" smooth unique, \
"merge.dat" smooth unique, \
"quick.dat" smooth unique
- Since Bubblesort is so slow, type plotting without it:
plot "insert.dat" smooth unique, \
"merge.dat" smooth unique, \
"quick.dat" smooth unique
- Plot each algorithm separately.
- In
analyze.txt , state whether the results were as you expected.
Which algorithm was the fastest? Which was slowest? Which graph did bubblesort match?
Which graph did mergesort match?
Reference Code
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
template<typename T> void bubblesort (vector<T> &list);
template<typename T> void insertionsort (vector<T> &list);
template<typename T> void mergesort (vector<T> &list);
template<typename T> void quicksort (vector<T> &list);
template<typename T> void insertionsort(vector<T> &list,uint left, uint right);
template<typename T> void mergesort (vector<T> &list, vector<T> &tmpArray,
uint left, uint right);
template<typename T> void merge (vector<T> &list, vector<T> &tmpArray,
uint leftPos, uint rightPos, uint rightEnd);
template<typename T> void quicksort (vector<T> &list, uint left, uint right);
template<typename T> void swap (T &first, T &second);
template<typename T> const T &median3 (vector<T> &list, uint left, uint right);
template <typename T>
void bubblesort (vector<T> &list) {
bool swapped = true;
while (swapped) {
swapped = false;
for (uint i=0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
if (list[i] > list[i+1]) {
swap (list[i], list[i+1]);
swapped = true;
template <typename T>
void insertionsort (vector<T> &list) {
insertionsort (list, 0, list.size()-1);
template <typename T>
void insertionsort (vector<T> &list, uint left, uint right) {
uint j;
for (uint i=left+1; i <= right ; ++i) {
T temp = list[i];
for (j=i; j > 0 && temp < list[j-1]; --j) {
list[j] = list[j-1];
list[j] = temp;
template<typename T>
void mergesort (vector<T> &list) {
vector<T> tmpArray (list.size());
mergesort (list, tmpArray, 0, list.size()-1);
template<typename T>
void mergesort (vector<T> &list, vector<T> &tmpArray, uint left, uint right) {
if (left < right) {
uint center = (left + right)/2;
mergesort (list, tmpArray, left, center);
mergesort (list, tmpArray, center+1, right);
merge (list, tmpArray, left, center+1, right);
template<typename T>
void merge (vector<T> &list, vector<T> &tmpArray, uint left, uint right,
uint rightEnd) {
uint i, start = left, leftEnd = right-1;
uint numElements = rightEnd - left + 1;
for (i=0; left <= leftEnd && right <= rightEnd; ++i) {
tmpArray[i] = (list[left] < list[right]) ? list[left++] : list[right++];
while (left <= leftEnd) {
tmpArray[i++] = list[left++];
while (right <= rightEnd) {
tmpArray[i++] = list[right++];
for (i=0; i < numElements; ++i) {
list[start++] = tmpArray[i];
template <typename T>
void quicksort (vector<T> &list) {
quicksort (list, 0, list.size()-1);
template <typename T>
void quicksort (vector<T> &list, uint left, uint right) {
if (left + 10 > right) {
insertionsort (list, left, right);
} else {
T pivot = median3 (list, left, right);
int i=left, j=right-1;
for (;;) {
while (list[++i] < pivot) {}
while (pivot < list[--j]) {}
if (i < j)
swap (list[i], list[j]);
swap (list[i], list[right-1]);
quicksort (list, left, i-1);
quicksort (list, i+1, right);
template <typename T>
void swap (T &first, T &second) {
T temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
template<typename T>
const T &median3 (vector<T> &list, uint left, uint right) {
uint center = (left+right)/2;
if (list[center] < list[left]) swap (list[left], list[center]);
if (list[right] < list[left]) swap (list[left], list[right]);
if (list[right] < list[center]) swap (list[center], list[right]);
swap (list[center], list[right-1]);
return list[right-1];
Turn in
Turn in all of the code, a Makefile, and your analyses.
Use sendlab.212.302 6 analyze.txt *.cpp *.h Makefile