Before electronically submitting you should have a compressed tar file, e.g., <file.tar.gz> sitting in your CS account. If you develop elsewhere, first sftp the tarball to your CS account:
  1. sftp the gzipped tar file to your CS account:
    	[andrewd@rafiki] ~/ > sftp's password: 
    	sftp> put <file.tar.gz>
    	<file.tar.gz>                 |       1273 kB | 1273.9 kB/s | TOC: 00:00:01 | 100%
    	sftp> quit
  2. Now log in to your CS account:
    	[andrewd@rafiki] ~/ > ssh's password: 
    	Authentication successful.
  3. Then submit your electronic gzipped tape archive file. The syntax for the command is:
    	handin.212.<section> <project> <file>
    For example:
    	[andrewd@access] ~ > handin.212.2 1 <file.tar.gz> 
    	Submission for 212 section 2 asg number 1 :
     	Do you wish to continue with the submission [y/n] y
    	file <file.tar.gz>:  1304425 bytes copied
For further information on the handin command, please see: The handin Command web page.