- First make sure that your code is sitting in its own subdirectory, e.g.,
in my case, my code is in my
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11/gtk-aw > ls
Backup/ Makefile.nolocal aw.o main.h
Backup.5/ Makefile.sgi glarea.c main.o
Backup.6/ alias/ glarea.h mlib/
Backup.7/ atest* glarea.o obj/
Backup.oneObject/ atest.c globals.c scene.c
Makefile atest.o globals.h scene.h
Makefile.linux aw.c main* scene.o
Makefile.local aw.h main.c
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11/gtk-aw >
- Do a
make clean
to clean up all the *.o
executable files (to reduce space):
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11/gtk-aw > make clean
cd mlib; make clean
rm -f *.o core main libmlib.a
rm -f *.o core main atest
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11/gtk-aw >
- Change directories to one above the current project directory, e.g.:
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11/gtk-aw > cd ../
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11 >
- Create the tar file. The command syntax is:
tar cvf <file.tar> <directory>
where <file.tar>
is the tar file being
created, and <directory>
is the directory
which will get archived (stuffed) into the single tar file. You'll
see a list of a <directory/file>
additions being assembled into the tar file. You will then
have the file <file.tar>
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11 > tar cvf gtk-aw.tar gtk-aw
a gtk-aw/Backup/Makefile 3 blocks
a gtk-aw/Backup/Makefile.linux 3 blocks
a gtk-aw/Backup/Makefile.local 3 blocks
a gtk-aw/Backup/Makefile.nolocal 3 blocks
a gtk-aw/Backup/Makefile.sgi 3 blocks
a gtk-aw/Backup/atest.c 3 blocks
- Compress the tar file using
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11 > gzip gtk-aw.tar
[andrewd@hook] ~/rainbow/research/x11 >
You'll now see the file <file.tar.gz>
This is the file you want to submit electronically.