CPSC 412/612 Eye Tracking Methodology and Applications
Fall 2000
Team 1: Aircraft Inspection
Eric Medlin (CPSC)
Santosh Nair (IE)
Jeenal Vora (IE)

Paper: Salvucci, Dario and Goldberg, Joseph H., ``Identifying Fixations and Saccades in Eye-Tracking Protocols'', ETRA'00, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 6-8 Nov. 2000. ACM.

Project: recording gaze over nearly-uniform ROIs within an eye-tracking virtual aircraft inspection environment

Team 2: Marketing/Advertising
Meredith Morehead (MKT)
Justing Ruggles (CPSC)
Rajeev Sahasrabudhe (IE)
Samir Chabukswar (IE)

Paper: Lohse, Gerald L., ``Consumer Eye Movement Patterns on Yellow Pages Advertising'', Journal of Advertising, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, Spring 1997. American Academy of Advertising (AAS).

Project: evaluating effectiveness of similar product advertisements

Team 3: Word Color/Shape (Stroop Test)
Sam Sampson (CPSC)
Peter Donald (HRD)
Jason Vinson (CPSC)

Paper: Pelz, Jeff B., Canosa, Roxanne, and Babcock, Jason, ``Extended Tasks Elicit Complex Eye Movement Patterns'', ETRA'00, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 6-8 Nov. 2000. ACM.

Project: determining what draws attention first, e.g., color or shape (or size?)

Team 4: Driving Study
Thomas Aten (PSYC)
Paul Clermont (CPSC)
David Whitley (CPSC/CH)

Paper: Scialfa, Charles T., McPhee, Lisa, and Ho, Geoffrey, ``The Effects of A Simulated Cellular Phone Conversation on Search for Traffic Signs in an Elderly Sample'', ETRA'00, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 6-8 Nov. 2000. ACM.

Project: measuring visual search performance in cluttered roadway images

Team 5: Gaze-Contingnet Geometric Modeling/Perceptibility
Hunter Murphy (CPSC)

Paper: Loschky, Lester and McConkie, George, ``User Performance With Gaze Contingent Displays'', ETRA'00, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 6-8 Nov. 2000. ACM.

Project: determining eccentric perceptibility of gaze-contingent geometric models

Team 6: Usability/Web Study
Nathan Cournia (CPSC)
Harnish Goradia (IE)
Nikhil Bhangaonkar (IE)

Paper: Hyrskykari, Aulikki, Mjaranta, Paivi, Aaltonen, Antti, and Raiha, Kari-Jouko, ``Design Issues of iDict: A Gaze-Assisted Translation Aid'', ETRA'00, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 6-8 Nov. 2000. ACM.

Project: comparing effectiveness of web page advertisements (e.g., banners: size, content [image/text], location)

Team 7: User Interface Design for Games
Matt Hanna (CPSC)
Kartik Madhani (IE)
Mandar Pathak (IE)
Kaivalya Hanswadkar (IE)

Paper: Crowe, Eric C. and Naraynan, Hari N., ``Comparing Interfaces Based on What Users Watch and Do'', ETRA'00, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 6-8 Nov. 2000. ACM.

Project: evaluating gaze-based interface in interactive memory card game