12:30-1:45TTH Jordan G032
Date | L# | Topic |
Thu. Aug.23 | 01 | Introduction; course overview |
Tue. Aug.28 | 02 | Field trip to VR lab |
Thu. Aug.30 | 03 | Experimental issues: experimental design
Overview of technical papers/projects. Team/Project selections (preliminary) |
Tue. Sep.04 | 04 | Class cancelled Self-study Assignments: Read the following papers:
Thu. Sep.06 | 05 | Class cancelled Self-study Assignments: Read the following papers:
Tue. Sep.11 | 06 | Experimental issues: experimental design |
Thu. Sep.13 | 07 | Eye tracking applications: early works (Yarbus, Noton & Stark) |
Tue. Sep.18 | 08 | Eye trackers: system overview; integration |
Thu. Sep.20 | 09 | Technical considerations: parts of the program; image display; GUI, VR/graphics, images; drivers; system timing, data storage |
Tue. Sep.25 | 10 | Eye tracking applications: Marketing In-class project review |
Thu. Sep.27 | 11 | Eye tracking applications: ETRA'00 Student paper presentations Papers: TBD |
Tue. Oct.02 | 12 | Eye tracking applications: ETRA'00 and JOA'97 Student paper presentations Papers: TBD |
Thu. Oct.04 | 13 | Experimental issues: data analysis and interpretation |
Tue. Oct.09 | 14 | Experimental issues: eye movement analysis
Proposals due |
Thu. Oct.11 | 15 | Eye tracking applications: industrial engineering |
Tue. Oct.16 | -- | Fall Break |
Thu. Oct.18 | 16 | Technical considerations: eye movement analysis and prediction Papers:
Tue. Oct.23 | 17 | Visual attention; visual search |
Thu. Oct.25 | 18 | The eye; retina; optic tract |
Tue. Oct.30 | 19 | The brain; visual channels; cortical processing regions
Foveo-peripheral vision; spatio-temporal/color vision |
Thu. Nov.01 | 20 | Eye movements (muscles, timing, etc.); eye movement analysis |
Tue. Nov.06 | 21 | Midterm review |
Thu. Nov.08 | 22 | MIDTERM |
Tue. Nov.13 | 23 | Eye tracking applications: ETRA'00 Papers:
Thu. Nov.15 | 24 | Eye tracking applications: CHI'99 Papers:
Tue. Nov.20 | 25 | Eye tracking applications: ETRA'02 |
Thu. Nov.22 | -- | Thanksgiving |
Tue. Nov.27 | 26 | Eye tracking applications: ETRA'02 |
Thu. Nov.29 | 27 | Eye tracking applications: ETRA'02 |
Tue. Dec.04 | 28 | Course Summary & Review |
Thu. Dec.06 | 29 | Project Presentations |
Fri. Dec.14 | 30 | FINAL EXAM 1:00pm-4:00pm |