CPSC 412/681 Eye Tracking Methodology and Applications
Fall 2001

12:30-1:45TTH Jordan G032


Thu. Aug.2301 Introduction; course overview
Tue. Aug.2802 Field trip to VR lab
Thu. Aug.3003 Experimental issues: experimental design
Overview of technical papers/projects.
Team/Project selections (preliminary)
Tue. Sep.0404 Class cancelled
Self-study Assignments: Read the following papers:
  1. Starker, India, and Bolt, Richard A., A Gaze-Responsive Self-Disclosing Display, in CHI'90 Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, 1990.
  2. Jacob, Robert J. K., What You Look At Is What You Get: Eye Movement-Based Interaction Techniques, in CHI'90 Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, 1990.
They are available here. Prepare a summary of each paper, listing:
  1. Goals/objectives
  2. Background/summary
  3. Theories/Hypotheses
  4. Experimental Methodology
    1. apparatus
    2. subjects
    3. experimental design
    4. analysis
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion(s)
Thu. Sep.0605 Class cancelled
Self-study Assignments: Read the following papers:
  1. Sibert, Linda E. and Jacob, Robert J. K., Evaluation of Eye Gaze Interaction, in CHI'00 Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, 2000.
  2. Tanriverdi, Vildan, and Jacob, Robert J. K., Interacting with Eye Movements in Virtual Environments, in CHI'00 Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, 2000.
They are available here. Prepare a summary of each paper, listing:
  1. Goals/objectives
  2. Background/summary
  3. Theories/Hypotheses
  4. Experimental Methodology
    1. apparatus
    2. subjects
    3. experimental design
    4. analysis
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion(s)
Tue. Sep.1106 Experimental issues: experimental design
Thu. Sep.1307 Eye tracking applications: early works (Yarbus, Noton & Stark)
Tue. Sep.1808 Eye trackers: system overview; integration
Thu. Sep.2009 Technical considerations: parts of the program; image display; GUI, VR/graphics, images; drivers; system timing, data storage
Tue. Sep.2510 Eye tracking applications: Marketing
In-class project review
Thu. Sep.2711 Eye tracking applications: ETRA'00
Student paper presentations
Papers: TBD
Tue. Oct.0212 Eye tracking applications: ETRA'00 and JOA'97
Student paper presentations
Papers: TBD
Thu. Oct.0413 Experimental issues: data analysis and interpretation
Tue. Oct.0914 Experimental issues: eye movement analysis
Proposals due
Thu. Oct.1115 Eye tracking applications: industrial engineering
Tue. Oct.16-- Fall Break
Thu. Oct.1816 Technical considerations: eye movement analysis and prediction
  1. Anliker, James, Eye Movements: On-Line Measurement, Analysis, and Control in Eye Movements and Psychological Processes, Monty, Richard A., and Senders, John W., eds., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1976.
  2. Tole, J. R., and Young, L. R., Digital Filters for Saccade and Fixation Detection, in Eye Movements: Cognition and Visual Perception, Fisher, Dennis F., Monty, Richard A., and Senders, John W., eds., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1981.
Tue. Oct.2317 Visual attention; visual search
Thu. Oct.2518 The eye; retina; optic tract
Tue. Oct.3019 The brain; visual channels; cortical processing regions
Foveo-peripheral vision; spatio-temporal/color vision
Thu. Nov.0120 Eye movements (muscles, timing, etc.); eye movement analysis
Tue. Nov.0621 Midterm review
Thu. Nov.0822 MIDTERM
Tue. Nov.1323 Eye tracking applications: ETRA'00
  1. Parkhurst, Derrick, Culurciello, and Niebur, Ernst, Evaluating Variable Resolution Displays with Visual Search: Task Performance and Eye Movements, in Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium (ETRA), ACM, New York, NY, 2000.
  2. Isokoski, Poika, Text Input Methods for Eye Trackers Using Off-Screen Targets, in Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium (ETRA), ACM, New York, NY, 2000.
Thu. Nov.1524 Eye tracking applications: CHI'99
  1. Byrne, Michael D., Anderson, John R., Douglass, Scott, and Matessa, Michael, Eye Tracking the Visual Search of Click-Down Menus, in CHI'99 Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, 1999.
  2. Vertegaal, Roel, The GAZE Groupware System: Mediating Joint Attention in Multiparty Communication and Collaboration, in CHI'99 Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, 1999.
  3. Zhai, Shumin, Morimoto, Carlos, and Ihde, Steven, Manual And Gaze Input Cascaded (MAGIC) Pointing, in CHI'99 Proceedings, ACM, New York, NY, 1999.
Tue. Nov.2025 Eye tracking applications: ETRA'02
Thu. Nov.22-- Thanksgiving
Tue. Nov.2726 Eye tracking applications: ETRA'02
Thu. Nov.2927 Eye tracking applications: ETRA'02
Tue. Dec.0428 Course Summary & Review
Thu. Dec.0629 Project Presentations
Fri. Dec.1430 FINAL EXAM 1:00pm-4:00pm