CPSC 412/612 Eye Tracking Methodology and Applications
Fall 2005
Team 1: Experiment: Mobile Phone Use in a Driving Simulation Task: Differences in Eye Movements
Stacy Balk
Kristin Moore
William Spearman
Jay Steele
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Accepted as poster presentation at the 2006 Vision Science Society meeting.
``Mobile Phone Use in a Driving Simulation Task: Differences in Eye Movements'', in Vision Sciences Society (Session: Eye Movement Effects on Perception and Action), May 6-10, 2006, Sarasota, FL, VSS.

Team 2: Experiment: Use of Eye Movement Gestures for Web Browsing
Kevin Juang
Frank Jasen
Akshay Katrekar
Joseph Ahn
Report [PDF] Talk [PPT]

Team 3: Experiment: Initial Eye Fixation and Eye Movements when Viewing Artistic Reproductions throughout Time
Ryan Strahs
Report [PDF] Talk [PPT]

Team 4: Experiment: A Viable Implementation of a Comparison Algorithm for Regions Of Interest
John Heminghous
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Accepted as poster presentation at the 2006 Applied Perception in Visualization and Graphics (APGV) meeting.
John Heminghous and Andrew T. Duchowski, ``iComp: A Tool for Scanpath Visualization and Comparison'', in Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV), July 28-30, 2006, Boston, MA, ACM.

Team 5: Experiment: How not to Use eye tracking to identify learning
Wayne Ryan
Report [PDF] Talk [PPT]