CPSC 405/605 Computer Graphics
Spring 2000
TTh 12:30--1:45 Jordan G032
Project 1

To learn fundamental 3D graphics techniques (supported by OpenGL):

This project (1) examines the underlying calculations required to render simple 3D scenes, (2) reviews the basic data structures typically employed in graphical systems, and (3) covers interactive features of OpenGL and a GUI toolkit.

Due dates:
Project source: 02/24/00

Although this is not advised until the final project, you may organize yourselves into pairs to complete this assignment.

If you form a pair, you must specify the ``division of labor'' (e.g., who did what) in your assignment TEAM file.

Write a program to implement a wireframe polygonal object viewer:

Notes, suggestions, warnings, and additional requirements:

What to hand in:
``Professional-quality'' brief writeup (one writeup per team), placed in a TEAM plain text file including:
  1. Names of all participants:
    Course Id--Section No.
    SS No:
    Assignment No.
  2. Assignment description
In a USAGE file, inlclude:
  1. Program features
  2. User guide

Electronic submission of source code: provide a self-contained, gzipped .tar of your project 1 directory, complete with a Makefile and README specifying compilation requirements. Your code MUST compile and run on an SGI O2.

Demonstartion of program on an SGI O2 workstation will be required.