CPSC 805 Advanced Computer Graphics
Spring 1999
TTh 2:00--3:15 Jordan G032
Project 1
- Objectives:
- To learn basic ray tracing techniques.
- Motivation:
- This project examines issues inherent but not limited to ray tracing,
including (1) scene sampling, and (2) optical physics modeling
resulting in the ray traced global illumination model.
- Due dates:
- Project writeup and source: 02/09/99
- Description:
- Write a program to implement a ray tracer:
- Use either an interactive method of setting up the scene or
create a simple scene "manually".
- Objects in the scene should include both spheres (and/or other
quadrics), and polygonal objects (e.g., planes, the teapot).
- Images should include:
- fully opaque objects
- transluscent objects
- fully transparent objects (e.g., panes of glass)
- fully reflective objects (e.g., mirrors)
- partially reflective objects
- Shadow/Reflection/Transmission: demonstrate reflection,
refraction, and shadows.
- Sampling: minimally, sample the scene at screen resolution, or
optionally implement supersampling, adaptive supersampling,
or distributed (stochastic) supersampling, and/or progressive
- Recursion: terminate recursion at an arbitrary (e.g., user-defined)
level, or adaptively based on diminishing intensity
- Texture/bump maps: texture/bump maps should be demonstrated on
planar surfaces (e.g., "walls" in the image) and spheres.
- Notes, suggestions, and additional requirements:
- What to hand in:
- ``Professional-quality'' brief writeup, including:
- Cover page containing:
Course Id--Section No.
SS No:
Assignment No.
- Assignment description
- Program features
- User guide
- Electronic submission of source code: provide a self-contained, compressed
file (preferrably gzipped), complete with a
compilation requirements.
- Demonstartion of program will be required.