CPSC 805 Advanced Computer Graphics
Spring 1999
TTh 2:00--3:15 Jordan G032
Project 2
- Objectives:
- To learn fractal terrain modeling, direct illumination and shading models.
- Motivation:
- This project examines (1) stochastic procedural object modeling (surface
subdivision based and fractional Brownian motion), (2) simple
direct illumination and shading models.
- Due dates:
- Project writeup and source: 03/09/99
- Description:
- Write a program to implement a ``fractal mountain'' modeler:
- Provide a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to a simple
object modeler, within which a user can read in polygonal
objects (e.g.,
- Manually create a triangle or quadrilateral which will serve
as the fractal mountain base.
- Recursively subdivide the polygon to a user-specified level,
or a level dependent on distance to the viewpoint.
- Using your own ligthing (illumination) calculation, use OpenGL
to shade objects in the scene. Provide both facetted (flat)
and smooth shading of explicitly defined polygonal objects,
but use only flat shading to color the mountain.
- Notes, suggestions, and additional requirements:
- Use the winged-edge data structure to facilitate polygonal
subdivision (the winged-edge data structure provides
pointers to faces shared by the edge).
- What to hand in:
- ``Professional-quality'' brief writeup, including:
- Cover page containing:
Course Id--Section No.
SS No:
Assignment No.
- Assignment description
- Program features
- User guide
- Electronic submission of source code: provide a self-contained, compressed
file (preferrably gzipped), complete with a
compilation requirements.
- Demonstartion of program will be required.