CPSC 808 Computer Animation
Spring 2000
TTh 3:30--4:45 Jordan G032
Project 1

To develop a good story concept for your animation.

This project acts as a design exercise for your animation.

Due dates:
Project writeup: 02/29/00

Provide the following supporting items for your story concept, following the "7 steps of story concept development":
  1. List several research sources you considered for your story.
  2. Brainstorm specific 3D characters, their motivations and objectives, sets, etc., initial ideas for feasibility of 3D development.
    • Provide sketches/drawings of main characters
    • Provide a character history list for the main character
  3. Story concept sentence.
  4. 3-act structure points, indentifying timing of imporant events such as:
    • the setup
    • catalyst
    • turning point
    • climax
    • final confrontation
    • resolution
  5. Script (screenplay). Be sure to use the proper script format and scene/direction terminology.
  6. Storyboard. Be sure to properly indicate object and camera motion when/where appropriate.
  7. Story concept checklist.
The script and storyboard will be the most heavily graded components of the assignment.

Notes, suggestions, and additional requirements:

Screenplay format (at its simplest):
  1. Margins:
    • Left margin: 1.5in
    • Right margin: 1.25in
    • Top & bottom: 1in
  2. Tabs (starting from 0 mark on document ruler):
    • Dialogue: 2.60in
    • Parentheticals: 3.25
    • Character names: 4.0in
    • Transitionals (e.g., CUT TO:): 7.0in, flush right
  3. Font: Courier 12 (typewriter style, fixed-space)

What to hand in:
Electronic submission: provide a URL (web address) to your on-line presentation of the assignment.