CPSC 815 Special Effects Production
Fall 2001
Project 2
- Objectives:
- To learn preliminary image coding operations: I/O, display,
GUI interaction, simple geometric transformations.
- Motivation:
- This project examines issues involved in programming a simple
image manipulation tool (a simplified version of the Gimp
essentially), including data structures for internal image
representation and simple geometric image transformations.
- Due dates:
- Project writeup (Image Manip tool): 09/27/01
- Description:
- Implement a GUI-based image maniuplation tool which allows
the user to rotate and scale an image. This will form the
basis for further image manipulation programming
- Notes, suggestions, and additional requirements:
- In the first part, use a good (expandable) data structure
as this program will form the basis for future image
manipulation assignments.
- For the program, the use of a good toolkit is recommended
(such as gtk; please
no GLUT).
The following interaction mechanisms should be made available
to the user:
- for the scale (resize) operation, provide the user with
several interaction methods, i.e., by using the
corners and borders of the image frame, and by using
a dialog to explicitly set the image dimensions.
- for the rotation operation, allow the user to specify
a rotation angle.
- add a toggle button letting the user toggle bilinear
interpolation (where applicable, e.g., rotation).
- What to hand in:
- ``Professional-quality'' brief writeup, including:
- Cover page containing:
Course Id--Section No.
Assignment No.
- Assignment description
- Screenshots of the program, including the GUI control and
image windows
- Sample images
- Electronic submission of images: provide a URL (web address) to your
on-line presentation of the assignment. To keep the page size
manageable, please use reduced images on your web page, but provide
links to the full-scale example images.