CPSC 815 Special Effects Production
Fall 2001
Final Project
- Objectives:
- To produce a short animation using Composer.
- Motivation:
- The final project relies on concepts covered throughout the course.
- Due dates:
- Project writeup and animation: 12/08/01
- Description:
- Create a short animation utilizing concepts and effects discussed
in the course.
- Use Composer to create the final animation.
- Notes, suggestions, and additional requirements:
- Requirement: the animation should be composed of at least
two (camera) shots. Keep in mind that the average shot
is only about 4 seconds long.
- Requirement: use a storyboard to sketch out the action and camera
- Requirement: provide titles and credits.
- Suggestion: for the web page "thumbnail animation", keep the
animation resolution small, e.g., 1/2 or 1/4 of the size
of NTSC video.
- Suggestion: keep the animation short, e.g., maybe only 30 seconds
or a minute (a fake commercial would be suitable).
- Note: a good animation could be a short "story" of an animated
object (e.g., created in Maya) over a still background image,
e.g., an animated humanoid running across a desk. The
background could be a small set, erected with blue screens,
if needed, to provide appropriate lighting (matching the
lighting over the subject).
- What to hand in:
- ``Professional-quality'' brief writeup, including:
- Cover page containing:
Course Id--Section No.
SS No:
Assignment No.
- Animation description
- Key frames (clickable images) of the animation on web page
- Complete animation
- Electronic submission of images: provide a URL (web address) to your
on-line presentation of the assignment. To keep the page size
manageable, please use reduced images on your web page, but provide
links to the full-scale example images.