CPSC 8810 Eye Tracking II: Gaze Sensing Interaction in XR
Spring 2023

TTh 11:00—12:15

Thu. Jan.12
01 Course welcome & intro
  • course / assignmnet overview
Tue. Jan.17
02 Gazepoint GP3 (real-time)
  • Python
  • networking
  • OpenGL
  • filtering for event detection
Thu. Jan.19
03 SIGGRAPH 2020 Talk Part I
Tue. Jan.24
04 SIGGRAPH 2020 Talk Part II

Lab demo

Thu. Jan.26
05 Gazepoint GP3 code walkthrough (Part I)
Tue. Jan.31
06 Current 3D eye tracking projects (subtitles, gaze vergence)
Thu. Feb.02
07 Gazepoint GP3 code walkthrough (Part II)
Tue. Feb.07
08 Milestone 0: Project Pre-Proposals due (single page)

Guest Lecture

Eye Tracking over 360 Video in VR
Marta Brescia-Zapata
Thu. Feb.09
09 HTC Vive Pro Eye (real-time)
  • C#
  • Unity 3D
  • OpenVR
Tue. Feb.14
10 Holo Lens 2 (real-time)
  • C#
  • Unity 3D
Thu. Feb.16
11 Tobii Glasses 2 (off-line)
  • Python parsing
Tue. Feb.21
12 Pupil Labs (off-line)
  • Python parsing
Thu. Feb.23
Guest Lecture

Eye Tracking with the Holo Lens 2
Deyrel Diaz
Tue. Feb.28
Dr. D. away
Guest Lecture

Eye Tracking & Cultural Heritage
Marta Rusnak
Wydział Architektury
Politechnika Wrocławska
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
  • Marta Rusnak, Applicability of eye trackers in marketing activities related to historical monuments. Comparision of experts' predictions and visual of non-profesiomals. Journal of Coultural Heritage 2021.
  • Marta Rusnak Eye-tracking support for architects, conservators, and museologists. Anastilosis as pretext for reaserch and discussion. Heritage Science. 2021, nr 9, art. 81, 1-19.
  • Marta Rusnak, The potential of using an eye-tracker in education: three perspectives for ordinary users, students and lecturers. Buildings. 2021, vol.11, nr6, art 245, s.1-18.
  • Marta Rusnak, Eye tracker as a pro-social tool of mantaining urbanistic and architectural heritage. Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego 2020, nr 9, s.97-115.
  • Marta Rusnak, Joanna Szewczyk, Piotr Chmielewski, Changes in the perception of a presbytery interior along with the change of its height? Eye tracking survey part III. Architectus. 2020 nr 3(63) , s.45-53
  • Marta Rusnak, Ewa Ramus, With an eye tracker at the Warsaw Rising Museum: valorization of adaptation of historical interiors. WiadomoĊ›ci Konserwatorskie = Journal of Heritage Conservation. 2019, nr 58, s. 78-90.
  • Marta Rusnak, Joanna Szewczyk, Piotr Chmielewski, Changes in the perception of a presbytery with a different nave length: funnel church in eye tracking research. Architectus. 2019, nr 2, s. 73-83.
Thu. Mar.02
Dr. D. away
15 Milestone 1: Project Proposals due (with references)

Student Presentations (objectives based on references)
Group: 5, 3, 2, 7
(randomly generated order, thanks to random.org)
Tue. Mar.07
Student Presentations cont'd (objectives based on references)
Group: 8, 6, 9, 1
(randomly generated order, thanks to random.org)
Thu. Mar.09
17 Case Study: SIGGRAPH submission Supplemental:
Tue. Mar.14
Guest Lecture

VR Colon
Anderson Maciel
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Thu. Mar.16
19 Lab Day
Milestone 2: DEMO DAY: Students present their preliminary work
Tue. Mar.21
-- Spring Break
Thu. Mar.23
-- Spring Break
Tue. Mar.28
20 The Savitzky-Golay Filter Supplemental:
Thu. Mar.30
21 (Possibly) relevant papers Supplemental:
Tue. Apr.04
22 Group 02: Research Log
Group 05: Research Log
Thu. Apr.06
23 Group 01: Research Log
Group 06: Research Log
Tue. Apr.11
In-lab Demos: Groups: 09, 03, 07, 06
Thu. Apr.13
In-lab Demos: Groups: 02, 08, 05, 01
Tue. Apr.18
Dr. D. away
Group 03: Research Log
Group 08: Research Log
Thu. Apr.20
Dr. D. away
Group 07: Research Log
Group 09: Research Log
Tue. Apr.25
Final Project Report due
  • hand in the paper writeup
Course Review
Thu. Apr.27
29 Research Log due
  • step-wise notes on code development
  • can be web page or PDF doc

Reading Day / Lab Day

  • go through each others' projects before final presentations
  • or go to the lab (demos, or discuss what needs to be fixed)
Wed. May.03
30 Final Exam 3:00-5:30pm: Project Presentations
Session 1: Interaction in XR I
  1. Vyomakesh Shivakumar: Eye-typing in AR
  2. Mark Tolchinsky: Gaze Gestures in VR
Session 2: Eye Tracking in the (Virtual) Classroom
  1. Matthew Re: Guaging Student Attention
  2. Sajad Goudarzi: Immersive Math Class
Session 3: Eye Tracking on the Desktop
  1. Xiangyu Jiang: Looking at Music Apps
  2. Margi Engineer: A Study of Dementia
Session 4: Interaction in XR II
  1. Roger Rivas: Live Data in VR
  2. Dylan Bruss: Immersive Captioning