Description: |
The mathematical and algorithmic foundations of computer graphics.
Spatial data structures, object oriented programming in C++
(or Python, depending on class makeup),
mathematics for graphics, 3D graphics API. This is the second of
two courses intended to provide technical foundations for DPA students
coming from the art or design fields. For undergraduates, it provides
a focused introduction to the technical foundations needed for
advanced study in digital production. The course will be challenging,
and fast paced, and will involve considerable outside work on the
The course is also intended for advanced undergraduate or graduate
students at Clemson who wish to develop an understanding of the use
and programming of visual computing.
This course is not intended for students who are Computer Science
or Computer Engineering students.
Prerequisites: |
DPA 400 or knowledge of C programming, Unix,
2D OpenGL, and approval of the instructor.
Required texts: |
Suggested texts (C++): |
- Weiss, Mark Allen,
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++,
3rd ed.,
ISBN: 0-321-44146-X
- Deitel & Deitel,
C++ How to Program (any edition), or try
Small C++ How to Program (a briefer edition at a savings).
Suggested texts (Python): |
- Deitel, Deitel, Liperi, & Wiedermann
Python How to Program (any edition), or try
1/e (if still available).
Reference reading material: |
- Shreiner, Woo, Neider and Davis,
OpenGL Programming Guide,
The Official Guide to Learning Opengl,
Version 1.4, 4/E, Addison Wesley
Professor: |
Dr. Andrew Duchowski
Office: |
McAdams 309, 656-7677,
Office hours: |
By appointment.
Objectives: |
This course is a second technical course on computing for graphics,
with the first course being DPA 400. This course builds on this
earlier foundation, and completes a comprehensive coverage of the
technical and computing background needed for the core courses in
the DPA Program. In this course, students will learn advanced topics
in C++ programming including concepts of object-oriented programming.
Projects will all make use of either 2D or 3D OpenGL for the
production of interactive graphics. In addition, students will learn
the mathematical foundations for computer graphics. This course
includes programming projects designed to promote familiarity with
2D and 3D graphics concepts.
Programming projects: |
All homework projects involve programming in C++ and require the
use of the OpenGL, and GLUT graphics APIs. All work should be done
under a version of the unix operating system. This would include
any version of Linux, or Mac OSX. However, before turning in an
assignment, the program must be compiled and tested under the
School of Computing Ubuntu distribution of the Linux operating system.
A working Makefile must be provided.
Programming projects will be submitted using the handin command on
the SoC linux system. In order to use handin, all students will need
to use their computer science account. All students enrolled in
DPA 401 or 601 will automatically be assigned CS accounts. You will
need to login early in the semester to change your password, or the
account may be expired. If you have problems logging in, send an
email to from your Clemson email account,
or stop by 109 McAdams with a picture ID.
Assignment late policy: |
Late assignments will not be accepted.
% | Grade |
90-100 | A |
80-89 | B |
70-79 | C |
60-69 | D |
Class Participation | 10% |
Quizzes | 10% |
Programming Projects | 40% |
Midterm | 15% |
Final Exam | 25% |
600-level students will be required to analyze and report on technical
papers in the area and complete advanced programming extensions.
Attendance: |
Roll will be taken for the first one or two weeks while
the class roll fluctuates. However, attendance is not required.
Absence, excused or not, does not change the responsibility for
assigned work.
Tests missed due to excused absences will normally result
in the test not being counted in the average grade (i.e., there will
normally be no makeup tests). An unexcused absence from a
test will normally result in a grade of zero for that test. Students
are expected to give at least one week advance notice for excused
Academic dishonesty: |
The University policies on academic dishonesty apply.
Publicly-available code or other material may be freely used if
appropriately attributed. Each student is responsible for protecting
his or her files from access by others. Work that is essentially
the same and submitted without proper attribution is considered
to be a violation of academic dishonesty policy by all those
submitting the work, regardless of who actually did the work.
| |
Class cancelation: |
Students are expected to wait for 15 minutes after
the class beginning time before leaving if the instructor is late.
| |
Topical outline: |
Lecture topics (C++ or Python)
- Quick review of OOP programming, OpenGL, GLUT
- 2D OpenGL
- variables, types, control statments
- functions and scope
- syntax
- Advanced programming topics (time and language permitting)
- Pointers, dynamic allocation
- Lists, sorting, stacks, queues
- Trees, and operations on trees (recursion)
- File I/O
- More OOP topics (depending on language)
- Classes
- Copy constructor
- Function overloading
- Operator overloading
- Linear algebra for 3D graphics
- vectors
- matrices
- affine transformations
- Curves and surfaces
- polynomials
- piecewise polynomial curves
- Splines
- Bicubic patches
- 3D graphics
- Transformations
- Simple 3D shpaes
- Projection systems/camera
- Lighting and surfaces