CPSC 102 Computer Science II
(Advanced C Programming)

Assignment 3


To implement a simple ray caster


  1. Using the object_find_closest() function tested in lab5, implement a simple (one-hit) ray tracer (known as a ray caster) to process the model file given below.
  2. See the notes (pp.20-23 in particular).
  3. Sample input:
    camera cam1
       pixeldim 640 480
       worlddim 8   6
       viewpoint 4 3 6
    material green
       ambient 0 5 0
    material yellow
       ambient  5 4 0
       diffuse  4 4 0
      specular  1 1 1
    plane leftwall
       material green
       normal 3 0 1
       point  0 0 0
    plane rightwall
       material yellow
       normal -3 0 1
       point   8 0 0
    material gray
       ambient 2 2 2
    plane floor
       material gray
       normal 0 1 0
       point  0 -0.2 0
  4. Sample output:

  5. Changing the left and right wall normals' z-components to 0.1, i.e.,
    plane leftwall
       material green
       normal 3 0 0.1
       point  0 0 0
    plane rightwall
       material yellow
       normal -3 0 0.1
       point   8 0 0
    and re-running the code produces the image below:

  6. Using the following cbox.txt model:
    camera cam
       pixeldim 512 384
       worlddim  5.12 3.84
       viewpoint 2.56 2 5
    light top
       location 2.56 3.80 -1.5
       emissivity 1 1 1
    material gray
       ambient 3 3 3
       diffuse  .9 .9 .9
    material green
       ambient 0 5 0
       diffuse 0 .5 0
    material salamander
       ambient 3 2 2
       diffuse  .9 .9 .9
    material slate
       ambient 2 1.8 3
       diffuse  .9 .9 .9
    material transparent
       ambient  3 3 3
       diffuse  .1 .1 .1
      specular  .9 .9 .9
        alpha  .9
          ior  1.83
    material chrome
       ambient  3 3 3
       diffuse  .1 .1 .1
      specular  .9 .9 .9
    plane backwall
       material gray
       normal 0 0 1
       point  0 0 -5
    plane leftwall
       material salamander
       normal 1 0 0
       point  0 0 0
    plane rightwall
       material slate
       normal -1 0 0
       point   5.12 0 0
    plane ceiling
       material gray
       normal  0 -1 0
       point   0 3.84 0
    plane floor
       material gray
       normal 0 1 0
       point  0 -0.2 0
    sphere left
       material chrome
       center 1.25 .75 -4
       radius .9
    sphere right
       material transparent
       center 3.7 .7 -2.3
       radius .9
    and re-running the code produces the image below:

What to hand in:

A tar.gz archive of your asg3/ directory, including:
  1. A README file containing
    1. Course id--section no
    2. Name
    3. Assignment description
    4. Brief solution description (e.g., program design, description of algorithm, etc., however appropriate).
    5. Lessons learned, identified interesting features of your program
    6. Any special usage instructions
  2. Makefile
  3. source code (.h headers and .c source)
  4. object code (do a make clean before tar)

How to hand in:

See submit notes.