14:30-15:45TTH Rhodes Annex 111
Date | L# | Topic |
Wed. Aug.23 | 01 |
Introduction; course overview |
Mon. Aug.27 | 02 | Intro GLFW/GL code: |
Wed. Aug.29 | 03 | Intro GLFW/GL code: |
Mon. Sep.03
Dr. D. away MobileHCI |
04 | TA Connor Kinzie |
Wed. Sep.05
Dr. D. away MobileHCI |
05 | Class cancelled |
Mon. Sep.10 | 06 |
Removing dependencies on glad and glew Introducing glm and affine transformationsObject transformations (matrices) Rotating object in place |
Wed. Sep.12 | 07 |
Feeding tranformation matrix to shader Pay attention to right-to-left order of transformations MVP construct: model, view, projection |
Mon. Sep.17 | 08 |
Assignment 1
Finishing up transformations, incl. translations |
Wed. Sep.19 | 09 |
Image representation and R,G,B color spaceppm_t convenience class
Mon. Sep.24 | 10 |
Assignment 1 due
Texture mapping: image I/O, data representation |
Wed. Sep.26 | 11 |
Assignment 2
Mon. Oct.01 | 12 | Viewing and projection transformations |
Wed. Oct.03 | 13 |
Assignment 2 due
Alias | Wavefront object file format |
Mon. Oct.08 | 14 | Object face & vertex normals |
Wed. Oct.10 | 15 |
Hidden surface removal (back face culling) Face and vertex normal rendering (geometry shader) |
Mon. Oct.15 | 16 |
Assignment 3 due Face and vertex normal rendering (geometry shader) |
Wed. Oct.17 | 17 | Face and vertex normal rendering (CPU side code) |
Mon. Oct.22 | 18 |
Assignment 4 due Midterm preview
Illumination models: Phong |
Wed. Oct.24 | 19 | MIDTERM |
Mon. Oct.29 | 20 | Class cancelled due to technical difficulties |
Wed. Oct.31 | 21 |
Midterm review
Illumination models: Phong & Blinn |
Mon. Nov.05 | 22 | Fall Break |
Wed. Nov.07 | 23 |
Assignment 5 due
Phong shading ( |
Mon. Nov.12 | 24 |
Camera transformations
Wed. Nov.14 | 25 | Student evaluations (online, no class) |
Mon. Nov.19 | 26 |
Assignment 6 due Trackball modeling |
Wed. Nov.21 | -- | Thanksgiving |
Mon. Nov.26 | 27 | Splines (Hermite) |
Wed. Nov.28 | 28 | Splines (Bezier) |
Mon. Dec.03 | 29 |
Assignment 7 due Particle systems physics, collision detection & response |
Wed. Dec.05 | 31 | Final exam preview |
Thu. Dec.13 | 31 | FINAL EXAM 3:00pm-5:30pm |