CPSC 412/612 Eye Tracking Methodology and Applications


Grading Scheme




IRB 2021

Papers (readings from select conferences/journals)

Talks (presentations from select conferences)

LEAD-ME Summer Training School Warsaw 2021

NN/g's Eyetracking Methodology (free 159-page report, check it out)

Helpful Links: programming and utilities

R Project for Statistical Computing

LaTeX (thanks to Philip Hatfield for finding these)

LC Tech's (real-time) fixation analysis code

Mike Ashmore's C++ interface and implementation, meant for usage in an eye tracking program, e.g.,
// as data member of some object, in own interface header
// initialize with deviation threshold (pixels), gazepoint samples
FixationFilter m_filter(30,5);

// usage, e.g., when obtaining new (gazeX,gazeY) data point
eyeMotionState = m_filter.detectFixation(valid,gazeX,gazeY);
switch(eyeMotionState) {
  case FIXATING:
    // label gazepoint as fixation
  case MOVING:
    // label gazepoint as saccade
    // can obtain/calculate fixation attributes such as centroid, radius

Notes on reading papers:
  • Everyone must read the assigned papers before class time.
  • A discussion leader will be assigned for each paper. For their assigned paper, this person should:
    1. prepare a summary of salient points found in the paper
    2. open the discussion on these points
    3. if no one responds, provide opinions on these points
    4. compare/contrast this paper to other similar papers
  • Discussion of papers counts as your "participation" score in class and could make the difference in final letter grade.

Pay attention to:
  1. Goals/objectives
  2. Background/summary
  3. Theories/Hypotheses
  4. Experimental Methodology
    1. apparatus
    2. subjects
    3. experimental design
    4. analysis
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion(s)

Keep in mind:
  1. Who are the significant contributors to research?
  2. Where are they located?
  3. What have they contributed, why is it important?