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CPSC 412/612 Eye Tracking Methodology

Description: Introduction to the Human Visual System; visual perception; eye movements; eye tracking systems and applications in psychology, industrial engineering, marketing, and computer science; hands-on experience with real-time, corneal-reflection eye trackers, experimental issues. Final project requires the execution and analysis of an eye tracking experiment using Clemson's eye-tracking laboratory equipment.
Prerequisites: CP SC 360 or PSYCH 310 or MKT 431 or IE 488.
Required texts: Duchowski, Andrew T., Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory & Practice, 3rd ed., Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 2017.
Outside reading: Current literature.
Professor: Dr. Andrew Duchowski
Office: McAdams 309, 656-7677,
Office hours: TBD
Course Delivery:
  • Lecture: 2 50 min lectures/week (1.67 hours/week)
  • Lab: 1 50 min lab/week (0.83 hours/week)
Course Outcomes:
  • Describing the dynamic aspects of the Human Visual System, with emphasis on eye movements.
  • Designing, operating, and applying eye tracking technology in various research domains. Eye tracking applications will be discussed in psychology, industrial engineering, marketing, and computer science.
Laboratory content: Using the eye tracking system, design and run a simple experiment. Choice of experimental application (e.g., visual perception, subject performance, etc.) will depend on the students' interest. Suggested experiments:
  • perception of digital imagery (e.g., peripheral degradation)
  • subject performance in various situations (e.g., stress cognitive load, competence in training simulation)
  • retention of informational content (e.g., reading, advertising)
  • non-command human-computer interface (e.g., ``gaze pointer'' instead of mouse)
Experimental results will be subjectively evaluated by the course instructor on the quality of (1) accuracy of data, (2) generalizability of results, and (3) informative content of experiment.

Enrollment permitting, students should organize themselves into teams drawing on their inter-disciplinary strengths, e.g., 2- to 3-member teams where each team must have a member from Computer Science.

Class Participation10%
IRB Forms2.5%
Final Project30%
Final Project Presentation10%
Final Exam15%

4000-Level Learning Outcomes:
  1. Categorize human eye movements (fixations, saccades, smooth pursuits), visual perception (top-down and bottom-up), visual pathways (parvo- and magno-cellular), and compare and contrast bottom-up and top-down vision.
  2. Demonstrate operation of an eye tracker, collect, and visualize data.
  3. Design, implement, and evaluate a human-subjects experiment that uses an eye tracker.
  4. Apply current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for analysis of experimental data (e.g., with a statistics package).
  5. Read and recognize sections of peer-reviewed Computer Science research papers (e.g., SIGCHI).
6000-Level Learning Outcomes:
  1. Categorize human eye movements (fixations, saccades, smooth pursuits), visual perception (top-down and bottom-up), visual pathways (parvo- and magno-cellular), and compare and contrast bottom-up and top-down vision.
  2. Demonstrate operation of an eye tracker, collect, and visualize data.
  3. Design, implement, and evaluate a human-subjects experiment that uses an eye tracker.
  4. Apply current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for analysis of experimental data (e.g., with a statistics package).
  5. Critique peer-reviewed Computer Science research papers (e.g., SIGCHI).
Attendance: Roll will be taken for the first one or two weeks while the class roll fluctuates. However, attendance is not required. Absence, excused or not, does not change the responsibility for assigned work. Tests missed due to excused absences will normally result in the test not being counted in the average grade (i.e., there will normally be no makeup tests). An unexcused absence from a test will normally result in a grade of zero for that test. Students are expected to give at least one week advance notice for excused absences.
Participation: Although attendance is not required, a portion of the grade is dedicated to Class Participation. This specifically consists of remarks made in class during critical review of research papers. Generally speaking, every student is expected to make 1-2 comments on every paper critically reviewed during class (e.g., the "Mystery Papers" that are reviewed). This is a time-limited opportunity and may occur only over 1-2 lectures during the semester. Grading is dependent on the number of papers reviewed. This is difficult to predict in any given year, however, as an example, if n papers are reviewed, then 2n (or more) comments are expected per student. A smaller number of comments made, e.g., m will result in a fractional assessment for this component of the grade, i.e., m2n.
Late Policy: Late submissions will be accepted but points will be deducted according to the formula 3n3 where n is the number of days late. Example: assuming submissions are due on Wednesday, the point deduction is as follows:
Max points possible Day received Days late
100Wed.0 (due date)
73Thu.1 day late
0Fri.2 days late

Late submissions will receive lowest priority for grading and returning. Late submissions will be marked as such by Canvas (note this is timestamped, with submissions typically due 23:59:59, hence a submission at 24:00:00 is 1 day late).

Academic Continuity Plan: Clemson has developed an Academic Continuity Plan for academic operations. If the physical classroom facility is not available to conduct classes in, class will be conducted in a virtual (online) format. The university issues official disruption notifications through email/www/text notification/Social Media. When notified, use one of the following links to navigate to our class web page where you will find important information about how we will conduct class: Our activities for teaching and learning will occur through our main class schedule web page. This includes:
  • whatever is listed on the course schedule for the given day

On E-Learning Day, 29 August 2019, a real time test of the academic continuity plan will be conducted. Our class will be conducted by:

  • accessing published research papers that you will need to read, and/or
  • conducting on-line IRB training.
Academic dishonesty: The University policies on academic dishonesty apply. Publicly-available code or other material may be freely used if appropriately attributed. Each student is responsible for protecting his or her files from access by others. Work that is essentially the same and submitted without proper attribution is considered to be a violation of academic dishonesty policy by all those submitting the work, regardless of who actually did the work.
Class cancelation: Students are expected to wait for 15 minutes after the class beginning time before leaving if the instructor is late.
Topical outline: The course is designed in four parts: (I) Introduction to the Human Visual System, (II) Eye Tracking Systems, (III) Technical Considerations, and (IV) Experimental Issues:
  • Part I (10 hrs): Eye Tracking Applications & Systems
    • eye tracking applications
      • psychophysics
      • human factors
      • advertising
      • digital displays
    • the eye tracker
      • early developments (scleral coils, contact lenses, etc.)
      • video-based eye trackers
      • system use
  • Part II (10 hrs): Experimental Issues
    • experimental design
      • what to test?
      • how many subjects?
      • how many sessions?
      • how many trials?
    • data analysis and interpretation
    • drawing conclusions
    • stimulus creation/selection (digital imagery, e.g., graphics, VR, images, video)
  • Part III (10 hrs): Technical Considerations
    • system design, hardware, software
    • system calibration
    • data collection
  • Midterm (1 hr)
    • covers Parts I and II, including
      • practical test on the eye tracker (in lab)
      • written test in form of project proposal
  • Part IV (10 hrs): Introduction to the Human Visual System (HVS)
    • eye movements
      • saccades
      • smooth pursuits
      • fixations
      • nystagmus
    • visual perception
      • spatial vision
      • temporal vision
      • color vision
    • neurological substrate of the HVS
      • physiological description
        • the eye and extra-ocular muscles
        • the retina
        • the optic tract
        • magno- and parvo-cellular visual channels
        • the occipital cortex and beyond
      • functional description
        • visual attention
        • eye movements
        • foveo-peripheral vision
  • Final project presentations (2 hrs):
    • student teams will present their results, generally composed of:
      • summary
      • objectives
      • background
      • experimental design
        • apparatus
        • subjects
        • stimulus
        • procedures
      • experimental analysis
      • conclusions
  • Final Exam (3 hr)
    • covers Parts III and IV, including
      • theoretical foundations
        (human vision and visual perception)
      • eye movements
      • principles of eye tracker operation
      • eye tracking applications
        (based on current literature and case studies)